Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji

Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı

B-2 TOTBİD İskelet Sistemi Tümörleri Gurubu ‘İskelet Sistemi tümörleri Kursu) 11 Kasım 2005 Ankara

Prostetik rekonstrüksiyon
1- Siz olsaydınız ne yapardınız? XVIII Milli Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi 18-23 Ekim 2003 İstanbul. Panel başkanlığı
2- Amputasyon mu, ekstremite koruyucu operasyonmu? XVIII Milli Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi 18-23 Ekim 2003 İstanbul. Panelist
3- Iskelet sistemi tümörleri kursu Ege Üniversitesi Muhittin Erel Anfisi 2003. Kursta eğitici

B-3 Tülay Aktaş Onkoloji Hastanesi ‘Yumuşak doku sarkomları paneli’

1- Otopedik Onkoloji de problem olgular ve çözümleri
Türk Milli Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi 25-30 Ekim 2001 Antalya (Başkan)
2- Yumuşak Doku Sarkomları
III. Türk Ortopedik Onkoloji Kongresi
13-15 Ekim 2000, İzmir(Panelist)
3- Kemik Greftleri Türk Milli Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi 25-30 Ekim 2001 Antalya (Panelist)
4- Yumuşak Doku Sarkomları , Türk Milli Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi 25-30 Ekim 2001 Antalya (Panelist)

Cerrahi tedavi


B-4 Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ortopedi Toplantısı: İskelet Sistemi tümörlerine klinik yaklaşım 27.12.2005



1- Yücetürk G, Sabah D: Fresh bone allografts from parents for filling large bony defects in children. 13.Singapore Orthopaedic Association Meeting and 2.Asia-Pasific Tissue Banking Meeting , Singapore, 1990. (Sözlü bildiri)

2- Başdemir G, Sabah D, Yücetürk G, Kandiloğlu G, Eser F: Tru-cut biopsy of musculoskletal lesions. XIII. Europian Congress of Pathology, September 1-6 1991, Yugoslavia, 1991. (Sözlü bildiri)

3- Yücetürk G, SABAH DUNDAR:Arthrodesis using autografts and simple external fixator after wide resection of the knee region tumors. International Symposium on Limb Salvage 6th. 1991, Montreal, Quebec, . (Sözlü bildiri)

4- Ünlü M, Balkan Z, SABAH DUNDAR, Başdemir G, Duman Y, Yücetürk G: The clinical value of three phase bone imaging in pediadric patients with primary bone tumors. 1 st. European Symposium on Pediatric Nuclear Medicine, 20-21 March 1992, Barcelona, (Sözlü bildiri)

5- Ünlü M, Balkan Z, SABAH DUNDAR, Kitapçı M, Caner B, Başdemir G, Duman Y, Yücetürk G: Value of T1-201 sintigraphy in musculoskeletal lesions: a comparative study to Tc-99m MDP. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Lisboa Portugal, Aug. 1992.(Sözlü bildiri)

6- Yücetürk G, SABAH DUNDAR: Parental fresh allografts for children. Limb Salvage, Current Trends,Proceedings,7.International Symposium, Singapore, 23-27 Aug,1993. (Poster bildiri)

7- Aras AB, SABAH DUNDAR, Arıcan A, Yalman D, Yücetürk G, Haydaroğlu A : Conservative surgery and brachytherapy in locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Annual Brachytherapy Meeting, Group Europian de Curietherapy, European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, May 9-11 1994,Linz-Austria

8- Duman Y, Burak Z, Kumanlıoğlu K, Balkan Z, Yararbaş Ü, SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G : Clinical value of 99m-Tc Glutathione (GSH) in diagnosis of primary bone tumors Europian Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, 20-24 Aug. 1994, Düsseldorf, Germany

9- Burak Z, Duman Y, SABAH DUNDAR, Bilkay B : Clinical value of 99m-Tc Glutathione (GSH) in diagnosis and follow-up of mesenchymal tumors. 6 th World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, October 23-28, 1994, Sydney Australia (Poster bildiri)

10- Akpınar Başdemir G, Yücetürk G, SABAH DUNDAR, Öztop F: A team approach in the evaluation of musculo skletal lesion by closed biopsy, Joint Meeting EMSOS-AMSTS 8-12 May, 1995 Florence. (Sözlü bildiri)

11- Arkun R, Memiş A, Üstün EE, SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G, Kandiloğlu G: MR imaging in diagnosis, staging and follow-up soft tissue tumors. VIII. ISOLS Meeting 8-12 May 1995 Florence (Poster bildiri)

12- Yücetürk G, SABAH DUNDAR, Gümüşdağ H: Limb salvage of soft tissue sarcomas. Ege University experience. VIII. ISOLS Meeting 8-12 May 1995 Florence (Poster bildiri)

13- SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G, Alın G: Limb salvage in huge and mega tumors. VIII. ISOLS Meeting 8-12 May 1995 Florence (Poster bildiri)

14- Sabah D, Yücetürk G: Knee resection arthrodesis with a new moduler implant. VIII. ISOLS Meeting 8-12 May 1995 Florence (Poster bildiri)

15- Yücetürk G, SABAH DUNDAR: Parental fresh allografts for children. The 1st Meeting of Asia-Pasific Musculoskletal Tumor Society July 1995, Tokyo, (Sözlü bildiri)

16- SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G: Limb salvage in huge and mega tumors, The 1st Meeting of Asia-Pasific Musculoskletal Tumor Society July 1995, Tokyo, (Sözlü bildiri)

17- Duman Y, Kumanlıoğlu K, Özcan Z, Çetingül N, Öztop S, SABAH DUNDAR,Yücetürk G: A Comparative Study with Tc-99m Glutathione (GSH) and TI-201 in the Evaluation of Osteosarcoma. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress 26-30 August 1995 Brussels.

18- SABAH DUNDAR : Controversies in the surgical approach to soft tissue sarcoma patients. Balkan Congress of Oncology, Athens, July 3-7, 1996 (Sözlü bildiri, Round table)

19- Özcan MZ, Yücetürk G, SABAH DUNDAR: The articular cartilage effects of the cementation after the curettage in surgical treatment of benign tumors of bone. SICOT 96 Amsterdam, 18-23 August 1996. (Poster bildiri)

20- Özcan Z, Burak Z, Kumanlıoğlu K, SABAH DUNDAR, Başdemir G, Özkılıç H : Three phase dynamic bone imaging versus static bone scintigraphy in the assessment of therapeutic effects. Europian Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, 14-18 September 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark (Poster bildiri)

21- Öztop S, Çetingül N, Kavaklı K, Aydınok Y, Başdemir G, Öztop F, SABAH DUNDAR,Yücetürk G, Nişli G : Ten year experience with osteosarcoma at Ege University pediatric oncolgy unit. International Society of Pediatric Oncology SIOP XXVIII. Meeting Vienna, Austria, Oct 1-5, 1996

22- Başdemir Akpınar G, SABAH DUNDAR, Arkun R, Yücetürk G, Hekimgil M, Memiş A, Burak Z, Özcan Z, Öztop F: Reactive zone, Does it exist?. EMSOS '96 IX th Meeting of European Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society 24-25 October 1996, İstanbul.(Sözlü bildiri)

23- Zileli M, SABAH DUNDAR, Hoşcoşkun C : Surgery of the sacrum tumors . Eurospine 96, Zurich, Switzerland, October16-19, 1996 (Poster bildiri)

24- Memiş A, Arkun R, Akalın T, Üstün EE, SABAH DUNDAR: Liposarcoma: MR findings with pathologic correlation. The 3rd Annual Congress of the Europian Society of Skeletal Radiology November 8-9, 1996, Salzburg, Austria

25- Memiş A, Arkun R, Kısmalı E, Başdemir G, SABAH DUNDAR, Üstün EE: MRI monitoring response to chemotherapy of osteosarcomas in different histologic types. ECR’97 Europian Congress of Radiology March 2-7, 1997, Vienna, Austria.

26- Alper M, SABAH DUNDAR, Zileli M, Yücetürk G, Hoşcoşkun C: Transsacral usage of the pure island tram flap for large sacral defect, A Case Report. International Society of Limb Salvage, 9.International Symposium, Sept 10-12, 1997, New York. (Poster bildiri)

27- SABAH DUNDAR, Başdemir G, Yücetürk G, Arkun R, Memiş A, Budak Z, Özcan Z, Öztop F: Reactive Zone after Neoadjuvant Therapy. International Society of Limb Salvage, 9.International Symposium, Sept 10-12, 1997. (Sözlü bildiri)

28- Arkun R, Memiş A, SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G, Parıldar M, Akalın T, Üstün EE: MRI findings after limb-salvage surgery in soft tissue tumors. International Society of Limb Salvage, 9.International Symposium, Sept 10-12, 1997(Poster bildiri)

29- SABAH DUNDAR, Sim FH, Unni KK, McLeod RA, Frassica F: Multicentric osteosarcoma of the bone. International Society of Limb Salvage, 9.International Symposium, Sept 10-12, 1997. (Sözlü bildiri)

30- Özcan Z, Burak Z, Kumanlıoğlu K, Başdemir G, SABAH DUNDAR, Özkılıç H : Scintigraphic features of Ewing’s sarcoma: Clinical experience with hystologically proven 18 cases. III. International Congress of Nuclear Oncology and XII.Annual Meeting of Turkish Society of Nuclear Medicine, 28 Apr-3 May 1998, Antalya

31- Burak Z, Özcan Z, Kumanlıoğlu K, Memiş A, SABAH DUNDAR, Başdemir G, Özkılıç H : Assessment of pathological subtypes of osteosarcoma using Tc-99m MDP three phase bone scintigraphy. III. International Congress of Nuclear Oncology and XII.Annual Meeting of Turkish Society of Nuclear Medicine, 28 Apr-3 May 1998, Antalya

32- SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G, Dinedurga Z : Ege University experience in TMTS prosthesis, The 2 nd Meeting of The Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, June 19-20, 1998 Seoul Korea (Sözlü bildiri)

33- SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G, Başdemir G, Öztop F, Dinedurga Z :Tru-cut biopsy in musculoskeletal lesions The 2 nd Meeting of The Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, June 19-20, 1998 Seoul Korea (Sözlü bildiri)

34- Kayalar M, SABAH DUNDAR, Yücetürk G : Florescein angiography for monitoring skin edges in the limb salvage surgery Tru-cut biopsy in musculoskeletal lesions The 2 nd Meeting of The Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, June 19-20, 1998 Seoul Korea (Poster bildiri)

35- Akalın T, SABAH DUNDAR, Çiriş M, Kandiloğlu G, Başdemir G, Öztop F : Soft tissue sarcomas : Ten year experience of tru-cut biopsy in Ege University Medical Faculty. 2nd Balkan Congress of Oncology 10-14 September 1998 İzmir Turkey de sözlü tebliğ olarak kabul edildi.

36- Özcan Z, Burak Z, SABAH DUNDAR, Başdemir G, Kumanlıoğlu K, Özkılıç H: Scintigraphic features in Ewing’s Sarcoma: Clinical Experience with hystologically proven 22 cases. Joint EANM and WFNM&B Congress Aug 30-Sept 4 1998 Berlin Germany de Sözlü bildiri olarak kabul edilmiştir.

37- Özcan Z, Burak Z, SABAH DUNDAR, Memiş A, Başdemir G, Özkılıç H: Sequential scintigraphic findings in patients with tumor resection and limb sparing reconstruction. Joint EANM and WFNM&B Congress Aug 30-Sept 4 1998 Berlin Germany de Sözlü bildiri olarak kabul edilmiştir.

38- Özcan Z, Burak Z, Kumanlıoğlu K, Başdemir G, SABAH DUNDAR, Özkılıç H : A scintigraphic phenomenon, “Doughnut” appearance in primary bone tumors. Joint EANM and WFNM&B Congress Aug 30-Sept 4 1998 Berlin Germany de Poster bildiri olarak kabul edilmiştir.

39- Burak Z, Özcan Z, Kumanlıoğlu K, Memiş A, SABAH DUNDAR, Başdemir G, Özkılıç H: Assessment of Pathological Variants of Osteosarcoma using Tc-99m MDP three phase bone scintigraphy (TPBS) Joint EANM and WFNM&B Congress Aug 30-Sept 4 1998 Berlin Germany de Poster bildiri olarak kabul edilmiştir.


1-Treatment of sarcomas Spring 2002 Alopea March 21-23 2002 Suriye
2-Treatment of musculoskeletal tumors :Combined meeting of SICOT OASAC, ASAMİ, ORTHOCON 2001 April 4-6 2002 Pakistan
- Treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas 30 Sept 4 Oct 2002 First International SGH Group Conference Riyadh
- Management of bone and soft tissue sarcomas. 4th APMSTS Congress Chennei India 2002



1- Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Meeting. 23-25 April 2004 İzmir


III. Türk Ortopedik Onkoloji Kongresi
13-15 Ekim 2000, İzmir
(Genel Sekreterlik)
D-1 Current Ortopedi Güncel Tanı ve tedavi Harry B. Skinner Çeviri editörü Prof Dr Mümtaz Alpaslan Güneş Kitabevi 2005
(Ortopedide tümörler sayfa 286-370)
D-2 Kemik ve yumuşak doku tümörleri , Ed Kayhan Engin, Yener Sağlık, Ufuk Aydınlı
Nobel Tıp Kitabevi 2005
(Omuz ve proksimal humerusta cerrahi 193-199)
invilon web tasarım